Building an innovation culture at Loyens & Loeff

Building an innovation culture at Loyens & Loeff

Since 2018 we’ve been collaborating with Loyens & Loeff on various innovation projects; from designing new value propositions (innovation action) to infusing an entrepreneurial mindset and way of working (innovation culture).  

Innovation-thinking and doing for law and tax

From Spring 2021 on, we’ve been working together closely with the Technology and Innovation department of the firm. Our ambition is to incorporate technology in law and tax practices to deliver a more client-driven and efficient service offering.

Through the integration of entrepreneurial practices, we’re building a culture of innovation. Together with employees as well as clients, we are testing new (technology) ideas to create better products and services. 

Innovation culture with the litigation team

In 2018, we partnered with the Litigation team to develop visuals to explain and understand ways of working, processes and stakeholders. Through co-creation sessions (innovation) between various teams inside the organisation and design thinking approaches, we created alignment and clarity. 

Innovation action for digital due diligence 

Also in 2018, together with the Due Diligence team, we applied entrepreneurial practices to design and deliver an attractive digital due diligence process. 

We kicked-off by visualising the current due diligence process with two teams involved in this work. Through this, we created an overview of where processes overlapped as well as gaps. This enabled us to explore challenges in the current process - as well as opportunities to improve collaboration and deliver a better client experience. Throughout the project, we facilitated various workshops to create and test a solution together.